Public Training

Senior Engineer- Krishna

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What career path did you take to bring you to your current job title?

I started with an interest in design. In High School I took C and C++ classes. When I got to college I decided to major in Computer Science, with a concentration in Networking Systems. From the beginning I was fascinated with the amount of work and systems that need to be in place to bring services to life.

After college I got an IT internship with JVT. It was there that I was able to acquire my A+ Certification. I think overall, the internship was the most influential step in my career as it introduced me to the work environment and how to communicate with people.

What does an average working day look like?

There's never a dull day in IT and that's what I love about it. No two days are the same, as our Technology evolves and grows.

What advice would you give someone getting into the industry?

Get as much experience as you can.Getting a certification will also go a long way. If you're comfortable with building a computer, then you should definitely start preparing for a Workshop like CPP.

How can we inspire more young people and women into the industry to fill the ever widening skills gap?

I think younger people will be more intrigued with a career in IT, if they are shown the basics at a younger stage

When working on something that is unfamiliar, people tend to shy away from it. If there is basic knowledge and understanding, then younger people will see the path more inviting and not as daunting, and they can be at the forefront of the latest innovations.